MGX Fishing App

This was my first time diving into deep mobile application development.
I decided to use Xamarin in order to minimize development time based on the ability to deploy to both IOS and Android using almost the same code base.
As I am not a designer, I used a UIKit known as Grial to facilitate the UI experience on the application.

The application is somewhat a social network for fishermen based on the community formed by the store that hired me for the development of the app.
It shows a feed where the users can share their captures, a map showing the best fishing spots pointed by the store, a feed where you can organize fishing getaways and some other minor features such as user profiles and a fish catalogue.

By request of the client, some features were blocked by a 9 digit code, the code was randomly generated and given to the store manager for them to distribute among their clients.
The application backend was developed around the already established server architecture, so it uses PHP and MySQL.

You can find more in the respective store pages:

