Team Project

This project was developed as part of the “Engineering Gaming Solutions within a Team” course, the goal of the project was to have a Splatoon-like game where you painted the environment to earn points. Our project was developed from the beginning with cross-platform development in mind and as such, we put a CMake build system in place that allowed us to change target platforms with ease, at the moment of handling the project, our game was able to run on Window/Mac/Linux/Android and PS4 with networked multiplayer among all of them.

The whole engine was developed from scratch in the span of 6 weeks by a 7 people team.

My main contributions to this projects where:

  • Full rendering pipeline (OpenGL and PS4)
  • Vertex painting for the paint effect using OpenCL, and GNM Compute Shaders on PS4.
  • Entity Component System as the base for the engine.
  • Memory usage and allocations tracking.

Technology Used

  • C++
  • OpenGL
  • GLSL
  • GNM (PS4)
  • OpenCL
  • GNM Compute Shaders

Libraries Used

  • SDL2 (Window and Input handling)
  • Bullet (Physics)
  • GLM (Math)
  • OpenALSoft (Audio, not on PS4 as we used the PS4 native audio libraries)
  • ENet (Networking, we had to make a fork of the library and some changes to it, so it would also work on PS4)