Category: Personal Work

Engine Update

What’s new?A lot has happened since I made the last post, especially in terms of engine architecture and features. It would be really difficult to highlight absolutely everything that has changed, but

Vulkan Engine

Why?As you can see from other posts, I have been working with OpenGL for quite some time and I feel that I am at a point in which I don’t know everything about it, but feel confident enough to work wi

T5 Editor

After completing our team project, everyone was left with a feeling that it could become something bigger, and so, we decided to keep working on whatever we thought was a good idea for the engine. Fro

Team Project

This project was developed as part of the “Engineering Gaming Solutions within a Team” course, the goal of the project was to have a Splatoon-like game where you painted the environment to earn p

SFAS18 - Capsule Bash

This was my entry for the Search For A Star 2018 contest, due to personal circumstances, I only had a little more than 2 weeks worth of time to work on it. I heavily based the game on the mini-game


I developed this project as part of the Advanced Game Technologies coursework.It employs both Networking and AI techniques to deliver the whole experience, some of the features are as follow. Rando

Physics Engine

I developed this Physics Engine as part of the Advanced Game Technologies coursework.It implements a Newtonian solver using Semi-Implicit Euler Integration and has the following elements: Collision

GlitchEngine V2

I presented this project as part of the graphics module of the MSc I am currently undertaking.I decided to not use the framework provided and instead work on my own idea because I wanted to make a s

Tactics AI

This project was developed for the Artificial Intelligence course during my bachelor’s degree.It was a team project, but as I was the only one that knew how to use Unity, I was in charge of every as

Pacman AI and Pathfinding

This project was made for the course of advanced algorithms during my bachelor’s degree.It implemented a simple finite state machine for the ghosts behaviour and Johnson’s algorithm for pathfinding